The Characters
The Good - The Man With No Name
Clint Eastwood plays the lead role of the "man with no name", the trademark poncho and cigarillo make him an instantly recognisble character. It is intresting to note from the way that Blondie dresses that this is the first film of the trilogy. When he sees a dying soldier on the floor, Blondie bends over and picks up the poncho that has become a trademark of the character, and is clearly recognisible in the two other films.
The character
redefined the way in which hero`s were viewed in film, as the birth of the original
anti - hero was established. A cold killer, who plays by his own rules, the
only difference between him and Angel Eyes being an almost miniscule amount
of humility. This is perhaps most evident in the first and the third films,
certain actions suggest this such as saving Marisol and her family, and his
disillusionment at the human cost of war
Originally however Eastwood did not figure in Leone's plans for the character,
and was only asked when Henry Fonda, James Coburn & Charles Bronson turned
down the part.
The Bad - Angel Eyes
A part also originally planned
for another actor the role of Angel Eyes was initally planned for (the blue
- eyed) Henry Fonda. However after Fonda`s refusal, Leone decided to offer the
role to Lee Van Cleef.( Who played Colonel Mortimer in "For A Few Dollars
The character portrayed by Van Cleef in the film is a ruthless killer without
a hint of morality and driven by greed, he has almost a misplaced morality in
carrying out every job for which he is employed. To be truthful in appearance
alone Van Cleef could not look any more like an outlaw, the snake eyes and the
thin face exude terror.
Ugly - Tuco
At times Eli Wallach's character seems almost to be a clown and a character which excentuates the images of Blondie and Angel Eyes. This judgement would be unfair however, there are many scenes where Tuco shows that if not intellectually, in other areas he is a match for the other two characters. The ugly, is almost to heavy a description for the character. His reasons for becoming a bandit are made clear when he meets his brother in the monastery where Blondie is taken to recover.